A Community Where disable people Thrive and Live their Life in Full
A culture of inclusion where people with disabilities thrive and live on their own terms. A community where individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are valued, respected and integrated into open and barrier-free environments and their participation in a society based on abilities, rather than disabilities, is equally valued
OUR MIssion
Our Mission
is to Support,
Encourage, and
Empower people with disabilities.
As we believe that people with developmental disabilities are people first, our number of services reflect this belief. We create a safe environment to spark creativity, take care of people, and facilitate services needed to promote the highest level of functioning, independence, interdependence, self-determination, and community integration.

Enhanced Life Services prides itself in Enriching individual’s lives through its core values as:
We build relationships on trust and integrity
We treat every person with dignity and accountability
We commit to acceptance and inclusion
We embrace diversity and equality
We work to empower and inspire
We encourage independence and resilience